Italiani alla fiera di Essen
Breve articolo in cui ho raccolto le impressioni di alcuni editori ed autori presenti alla Fiera di Essen.
Purtroppo non sono riuscito a raccogliere un feedback da tutti, ma mi sembrava interessante riportare almeno queste impressioni.I remember the first time I was in Essen, many years ago. The fair was really smaller than now and not so many foreign publishers (foreign means non German) were there. Italians, both publishers and gamers, were isolated. StudioGiochi, with Leo Colovini, dV Giochi (actually DaVinci) and few others. I remember Emanuele Ornella first debut with Fantasy Pub and the first time for Angelo Porazzi, with me in an epic travel across the alpes with the caravan full of Angelo boxes. Mik Svellov Brett’n Board was one of the fews lights for english speaking in the darkness of great number of German publishing available only in German and, It seems impossible nowdays, BGG was just moving the first steps.
It seems I’m talking of other ages but it was just less then 10 years ago …