19 Ottobre 2012

Father in the Messe: Day 1

Today we wake up early to be able to be in the Spiele at opening time, 9:00 for press-tickets owners. First all we make a quick tour in the press room to take our press kit: the usual book and some press information including a list of personalities attending the fair.

Trivitia – Trivitar

We started with Trivitia by Trivitar. A game mixing dexterity and trivia. You have some wooden piece to place on a wooden basement (different basement’s shapes for different games). During your turn you just roll a die. On 1-4 you have to answer a question from a card. (Every card has 4 questions and the number you roll indicate the question). If you get the green face is like you got the right answer and if you got the red face is like giving the wrong answer. This make you place one of your pieces or have to place someone else piece, building a sort of tower/pile. When the pile collapse the player with less piece still in front of him is the winner. A nice variation of trivia but, still a trivia: I think could be nice for people liking trivia games but I’m not in this group.

Caterina says “Nice game a too much trivia”. Caterina rate 5.

Slavika – Rebel

The next game was Slavika from Rebel.pl, a really nice polish fantasy card game. Players have a company of 6 heroes fighting monsters and looking for treasures. You display 4 terrain cards (with different monsters and heroes values) and give each player a hand with his 6 heroes and some monsters cards. During your turn you have to play 3 cards: if possible 2 heroes and 1 monster otherwise 1 hero and 2 monsters. Heroes and monsters are played on different side of the terrain cards and when a card reaches the listed number of monsters (varying from 3 to 5) there is a fight. Monsters and heroes have fighting values and to beat the monsters the sun of the values of all the heroes at the terrain must beat the total of the monsters. The player with most valued heroes score much more points and get the treasure card than monsters are discarded and heroes came back in hands.
What make this game really nice is the different power of heroes and monsters: every player has 2 fighters (6 and 5), an archer (4), a ranger and a thief (3) and a wizard (1). Heroes have special power like wizard giving a plus two to all the fighters in that fight. Monsters range from 1 to 7 with few of theme with special abilities.
The game is nice and I think it really play much better with 3 or more players.

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18 Ottobre 2012

Father in the Messe: Day 0

Ecco il racconto delle mie avventure alla fiera di Essen assieme a Caterina. Gli articoli sono in inglese e quidni dovrete accedere alla versione inglese del sito per poterli leggereHere i start a series of articles published on Opinionatedgamers.com about the experience with my daughter Caterina at Essen Spiele 2012

Father in the Messe: Day 0

Here again with my Father in the Messe story: my special report about being in Essen with a kid (actually a 11 years old daughter).

Me and Caterina finally arrived in Essen. Too late to play something or to access the fair for the wednesday show … just the time to eat something at Istra Restourant (really close to the Jung hotel where we are lodged) and than ready to sleep.

(here Caterina really tired and hungry @ Istra Restourant)

The main room at Jung was, as usual, full of peoples: a quick survey, when it was still not too muc crowled, just to say hallo to my friend Mik Svellov and see some one setting up Keyflowers (I’ll take a copy tomorrow from Richard ) and the new Wallace‘s games on a table.
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13 Ottobre 2012

Essen Preview #33: HEROICA Ilrion and The Hobbit (LEGO Games)

I’m continuing in this previews of games that will be released at Essen or close to Essen. I’m not sure if LEGO will attend the spiel this year but I’m sure there are two new LEGO Games in the market: HEROICA Ilrion and The Hobbit: an unexpected journey.

As most of you already know LEGO is releasing sets related to Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit licenses and one of this set is a new LEGO Game.

HEROICA: Ilrion, on the other hand, is the 5th chapter, in the HEROICA saga.

Since I’m working as consultant from LEGO Italia from September 2010 I have got both games as soon as it was possible and here is my impressions. For Italian speaking people there are already the two video tutorials available on www.youtube.com/LEGOGamesItalia

12 Ottobre 2012

Essen Preview #32: Tahiti and War of the Ring: Lords of Middle Earth Rules Preview

I know that we are all in the Essen frenzy, trying to read rules, previews, reviews, press-release in the desperate need to understand how to best spend our time and money in Essen with the (sadly) absolute certainty to not be able to go back with everything we want, the (sadly) awareness will be back home with much more inutility than needed and with the fear to miss the game all other gamers will have and talk about in the next weeks.

People not attending Essen can live this day with a big amount of ill-concealed envy and much less stress.

Here my quick impressions, just reading the rules, of some games: hoping it could help other gamers in their choices.

To optimize the time here the list of the games I’m talking about in this article: so you can just go beyond if not interested:

Tahiti from Minion Games
War of the Ring: Lord of Middle Earth from Ares Games

18 Settembre 2012

Essen Preview #10 – Games from Italian companies part 2

Here the list in alphabetical order of the other Italian companies offered my some delights on their Essen releases. You can read the first part of this list here. Of course, I’m sure, there will be some misses but some publishers are not so happy to share their secrets or are not sure gamers are so thirsty of news about the Essen release to be able to orient in the huge amount of Essen novelties.

15 Settembre 2012

Essen Preview #9 – Games from Italian companies part 1

As member of a Memoir’44 minor country (Italy) I’m lucky enough to have the possibility to have contacts with almost all the publishers and be aware of almost all the Italian release scheduled for Essen. I’m starting with publishers because, luckily, a lot of Italian designers are in theese days publishing games also for foreign companies.

In this first part of my huge preview I’ll just post the list of games Italians companies are going to release with some informations and the level of details I will able to offer in the next articles. So it is an introductory/index article.

11 Maggio 2012

L’arte dell’inventare giochi: Donald X. Vaccarino

Donald X. Vaccarino, per chi non lo conoscesse, è l’autore di Dominion, gioco da tavolo che nel 2008 ha davvero spopolato aggiudicandosi tantissimi riconoscimenti internazionali tra cui spiccano, nel 2009, lo Spiel des Jahres (SDJ) e ll Deutscher Spiele Preis (DSP), e i due maggiori riconoscimenti nazionali, il Best of Show (BoS) e la nomination trai i 10 titoli de La Ludoteca Ideale.

Dominion è il gioco che ha avuto il pregio portare nel mondo del gioco da tavolo un meccanismo già noto da anni nel mondo dei giochi di carte collezionabili, ovvero quello del deck-building (costruzione del mazzo). Ogni giocatore inizia la partita con un mazzo di carte che man mano cresce: ogni turno i giocatori pescano carte dal loro mazzo e possono fare azioni in base alle carte pescate. Di fatto la costituzione del mazzo (quante carte e di che tipo) determina le possibili azioni che un giocatore può fare ne proprio turno di gioco. La strategia sta tanto nell’utilizzare bene le carte che uno ha in mano quanto nel costruire, durante la partita, il proprio mazzo.

3 Maggio 2012

L’Arte dell’inventare giochi: Andrea Chiarvesio

Prosegue la mia serie di interviste agli autori di giochi da tavolo di fama internazionale. Dopo una lunga pausa torno ad intervistare un autore Italiano: Andrea Chiarvesio, famoso in tutto il mondo per Kingsburg di cui esiste anche una bellissima versione per iPhone/iPad.

L’intervista, come sempre, è in inglese ma chissà che prima o poi non trovi il tempo di tradurle e pubblicarle anche in Italiano …
This time it was less than a month from my last interview and I’m also working on 3-4 more interviews. Of course the number of designers working on the game market since long time willing to be interviewed is not so huge and I’m starting to have problems finding new victims for my pencil. Of course Italians are much more easy for me to find and they have less possibility to avoid my long-winded curiosity. So, today I’m going to present you Andrea Chiarvesio, a really talented Italian designer that captured world-wide attention in 2007 with Kingsburg release but that was working in the game world long time before.

11 Aprile 2012

L’Arte dell’Inventare Giochi: Antoine Bauza

Ecco la diciasettesima intervista per la serie “l’Arte dell’Inventare Giochi”, che sto conducendo per il sito Opinionatedgamers.com.

Scopo di questa serie è iniziare ad esplorare la relazione che esiste tra l’arte ed il lavoro di un autore di giochi: può un autore di giochi da tavolo essere considerato un artista ? O è solo un buon artigiano ? Quale è lo stile di ogni autore, la sua “firma” ? Esistono delle vere e proprie scuole di design ?

In quest’articolo l’intervista ad Antoine Bauza, probabilmente uno dei taklenti emergenti del mondo del gioco da tavolo, vincitore prima dello SDJ con Dixit e l’anno dopo del nuovo KDJ con 7 Wonders.
It was really a long time I was missing here on opinionatedgamers with interviews and reviews. The reason was that I was much busy in organizing PLAY: The Games Festival, the Italian greatest gamers event with more than 20,000 visitors in two days and really an huge amount of events, publishers, associations and things to manage.

In the meanwhile I was able to start some interview: here the one to Antoine Bauza, probably one of the new raising stars in the boardgames designing with really impressive releases in the last years like 7 Wonders, Takenoko, Mistery Express and Ghost Stories.

6 Dicembre 2011

L’Arte dell’Inventare Giochi: Vlaada Chvatil

Eccomi con il 15 appuntamento per questa serie di interviste. Man mano che la serie procedo divento sempre più esigente con gli autori. Fortunatamente Vlaada sembra essere un vero giocatori e ha sopportato i miei colpi con stoica pazienza. Nell’intervista ha detto che lui è soddisfatto da “come i giocatori gradiscono i suoi giochi e si divertono a giocarli … credo allora abbia valide ragioni per essere soddisfatto. Vlaada non è un autore “alla Tedesca”. come si evince dalle regole dei suoi giochi. Dice “di solito preferisco la strada che sembra meglio adattarsi al tema” e questa, almeno per me, è una gran cosa. Dice inoltre di avere “una leggera tendenza a ipercomplicare le cose” che, in effetti, è vero, ma il risultato finale è davvero buono! Alla fine dell’intervista dice “sono di sicuro più un geek che un artista” … se questo ha catturato la tua attenzione puoi procedere con la lettura dell’intervista.Hi, here I’m with the 15th installation of this series. As the series is going on I’m becoming more and more demanding with the designers. Luckily Vlaada seems to be a real gamer and sustained my hits with a stoical patience. He told me that his satisfaction come from “how do the players like and enjoy them”, so, I think, he has to be really satisfied. Vlaada is absolutely not a German designer, as you can see from the rules of his games. He told “I always try to prefer the ways that seem to fit the theme best.” and that’s is, for me, great and also he told that he has “[…]a slight tendency to overcomplicated things” that is also true, but the final results are really good! In the end of the interview he also says “I am sure more a geek than an artist” … if you are interested enough you can go on with the interview!

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