Essen Preview #9 – Games from Italian companies part 1

Essen Preview #9 – Games from Italian companies part 1

15 Settembre 2012 0

As member of a Memoir’44 minor country (Italy) I’m lucky enough to have the possibility to have contacts with almost all the publishers and be aware of almost all the Italian release scheduled for Essen. I’m starting with publishers because, luckily, a lot of Italian designers are in theese days publishing games also for foreign companies.

In this first part of my huge preview I’ll just post the list of games Italians companies are going to release with some informations and the level of details I will able to offer in the next articles. So it is an introductory/index article.

I have already on my desk some of this games, others preview copies are travelling to my box. Some designers/publishers shared with me the whole directory with final files and rules, other publishers are really shy and reserved and don’t like to share with a gossipy like me their secrets … but I’ll try to find special keys to open their locks!

I’m going in alphabetical publisher order, hoping it could be the better choice. In this part 1 I’m going to cover the first companies. Ciak!

Read the full article on web site

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